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The Science of Breathing – 7-Day Online Course



Beat stress and anxiety and take back control of your nervous system in just seven days. Fun and easy to practice, the breathing exercises you’ll learn in this program are fast, potent, and very safe. With minimal training – just an hour a day, for seven days – you’ll discover the ability to self-

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  • The Science of Breathing – 7-Day Online Course

    Beat stress and anxiety and take back control of your nervous system in just seven days. Fun and easy to practice, the breathing exercises you’ll learn in this program are fast, potent, and very safe. With minimal training – just an hour a day, for seven days – you’ll discover the ability to self-soothe at will as well as a host of other physical and mental benefits.

    Breathing exercises will help you to:

    • Reduce stress and anxiety, both immediately and long term
    • Fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality
    • Stabilize your mood and energy to avoid ups and downs
    • Lower your heart rate and blood pressure safely
    • Improve your concentration and productivity
    • Cool your nerves before public speaking and difficult conversations
    • Boost your digestion by promoting a rest and digest nervous system response after meals

    During the program, you’ll follow along with three guided practices (via video tutorial) each day: first thing in the morning, midday, and right before bed. Each practice is less than five minutes long, so it won’t interrupt your daily schedule. There is also a daily learning module to help you understand your respiratory anatomy, nervous system, and the science behind these techniques. Once you learn how it works, you’ll have a powerful self-soothing toolkit available to use anytime, anywhere, for life!


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